Basking by the Window

Siena Jekel

Basking by the window: a project designed for painted turtles which allows them to reproduce without any predators attacking their eggs. The structure is comprised of a temporary habitat allowing a coexistence between painted turtles and humans.

The main objective of this project is to provide a safe habitat for painted turtles, which allows them to reproduce and coexist with humans.In technical terms, the project consists of a turtle tank with a table that it sits on, allowing turtles to be easily protected, because there would be no predators in the area. This tank could be able to move outside so the turtle can bask in the sunlight. Turtles are smelly, their smell is caused by being in large bodies of water, so using a spout, a fume extractor, and a carbon filter for the air, clean air would be cycle through and allow humans to coexist with the turtles without constantly cleaning their tanks. In addition part of the tank would be filled up with sand so the turtles could lay their eggs with no predators hunting them down. After the eggs hatch all of the turtles would be released into the wild. This project exists because most turtle eggs don't survive and if painted turtles cannot reproduce, than eventually they will become extinct.