NuVu123 is different from other studios that have been done in the past. Usually NuVu’s priority is to have all the kids express their ideas and get them to understand the idea and iteration process. NuVu123 still incorporates those processes but the priority and goal of the studio is a little bit different. The problem was that people ended up having to wait for the teachers to finish making the technology work which takes up a lot of time. The goal of NuVu123 is to teach the basics and the foundation of the technology used to make the ideas come to life. The first thing we did was brainstorm minor problems that we could solve with the electronic skills David had taught us. Sam, Rowan, and Graeme wanted to make a way to open a door and unlock it without having to touch the door at all. For this to work we would need a sound sensor, some kind of pressure sensor or something to connect electricity to use on a doormat, a button, a servo, and programming skills.