the touch of a HAND

Sallie Chope and Nicole Kelly-Aglio

Sallie- The Touch Of A Hand: An interactive sculpture showing the unbalanced earth that is almost out of our grasp. This sculpture displays the effects of human impact by a touch of the hand through a half sphere leaning on a sculpted concrete hand. 

Human activity is continuing to affect the earth and it's well being on a daily basis. Although there are measures being taken, humans are still doing very little to lessen our effect. The earth in our sculpture is represented through a half sphere marbled blue an green. The hand that is supposed to represent humanity is shown by a concrete mold of our hands. Our grasp on the world is slipping away and society must take a firmer grip while we still have the chance. When the user places their hand on the "hand of humanity" that is attempting to grip the earth, one will see red light shine from the earth to represent how the earth is heating up due to human effect and activity. We must recognize the long-lasting carbon footprint we are leaving and start action today!

Nicole- The Touch Of A Hand: An interactive sculpture designed to show people the long-term effect of throwing away trash instead of using reusable materials. 

When someone throws out trash, whether in a trashcan or on the street, they may not realize the effect it has on the earth. The goal of The Touch Of A Hand is to raise people's awareness of what happens by showing a reproduction of the world light up after one touches the hand with their own hand. When the contact between the two hands is made, a strand of LEDs placed throughout the inside of the globe light up red, demonstrating how the earth heats up with the production of goods people end up putting in landfills as waste. Less CO2 is generated if fewer goods are consumed and instead are recycled.The hope is to make people realize that the fate of the earth is in their hands.