Chavo, Corta!

Zoe Denbow and Julia Sneddon

Zoe Denbow
This project is a video game designed for a student who doesn’t have full control of his fine motor skills, ; the design is based on his interests and physical capabilities and doubles as a physical therapy tool. When the ax-shaped controller is swung, it is programmed to send a message to the game to cut down trees.

The video game, Chavo, Corta! was designed for a student who doesn’t have full control of his fine motor skills, and is based on his interests and physical capabilities. Brayan is a student at Boston English High who has a positive and outgoing demeanor and who enjoys nature and the TV program El Chavo. Brayan has limited control of his arms and struggles to move them up and down. He also is not able to use his fingers to their full extent.

The game is controlled by an ax-shaped swinging handle programmed to send a message to the game (made in Unity) to cut down trees when the ax is swung. The user will watch the character “El Chavo” run through a forest and stop when a tree is in his path; at that point, the user will swing the ax and watch the tree fall. The goal of the game is to get home by destroying all trees in the path. The hope in designing this game is to provide inclusivity in the realm of video game entertainment while providing a physical therapy tool for people with limited arm 

Julia Sneddon

My client's name is Brayan, and he has a disability that affects his cognitive abilities and his physical movement, and cognitive abilities. Brayan has limited including arm movement, and he uses a wheelchair to get around. The controller was designed around his limitations, and strengths. The game incorporates Brayan's love of nature, the show El Chavo, and candy: , which were all elements we incorporated into the game by employing a controller shaped as the tool used in the game. The user watches the game and notices when the character encounters a tree. When this happens, the user swings the ax a number of times until the tree falls down. In doing so and the user is rewarded with a piece of digital candy

Chavo, Corta is a video game designed and modified for a student who has a disability, with the aim of counteracting the disenfranchisement of people with disabilities in the video game world. Brayan, has a disability that affects his cognitive abilities and his physical movement, limited including arm movement, and he uses a wheelchair to get around. The controller, shaped like an ax and with a motion detector similar to a Wii controller, was designed around his limitations, and strengths. The game incorporates Brayan's love of nature, the show El Chavo, and candy: the main character, El Chavo, walks through a forest until he encounters a tree. When this happens, the user swings the ax a number of times until the tree falls down and the user is rewarded with a piece of digital candy. This game provides help for people with limited arm movement; it is not designed to be a sort of therapy, but can act as one. Additionally, it provides further inclusivity for those with physical disabilities that who are interested in video games.