
Cameron Cyker

The iPill is a case for the iPhone that has compartments designed to easily store pills. An important factor that we focused on was the size of the case itself. It had to be big enough to hold large pills, such as a fish oil pill, but thin enough to fit comfortably inside of a pocket. Another important feature that we implemented was the fact that the compartments are modular. They can be removed and replaced so that the case can be customized for the user. There are bigger compartments and smaller compartments that can be removed and replaced. 

The iPill addressed the problem of making pills more portable. If somebody carries their pills with them, it can be a hastle to carry a pill container with them all the time, and it is easy to misplace or forget it. With this phone case, if they have their phone with them, than they have their pills with them. For example, if a new mother uses this case, they can always have baby aspirin and disinfecting wipes wherever they go, so that if their child hurts themselves, the mother will always be able to help right away. 

The case consists of two major parts. The first part is the base. The base rests on top of the case and has T shaped slots that run through it. With out the compartments, the base looks like an ordinary iPhone case with grooves on it. The containers are the second part. The containers have rails on the bottom that correspond with the base. That way, they can slide in and out with ease, yet they do not fall out on their own because the friction holds them in place. They also have a cover that slides in and out, so the user can open and close the  compartments. The covers are also held in by tension. The iPill consists of two large compartments, four small compartments, four small covers, and the base.