Two Homes: A Comparison (Final)

Two Homes: A Comparison (Final)

Claire Chan

The goal of our studio was to think about homes and what they mean to different individuals. In exploring this theme, I completed a photo essay with two of my neighbors as subjects.

How much do you have in common with your neighbors? How much do your neighbors have in common with each other? I didn't know the answer to these questions, but I wanted to. With those questions in mind, I decided to compared two of my neighbors -- taking pictures of their houses and asking various questions in order to find out what role their home played in their lives.

In order to complete my photo essay, I took pictures of both households -- mostly of the physical house -- and placed the two similar pictures side by side: a bedroom and a bedroom, a bathroom and a bathroom, etc. By placing the images right next to the other, the viewers are simultaneously able to see the similarities of the houses as well as the way each family has shaped their home in order to fit their unique lifestyles.