Ella Wise and Nicole Katz


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The Accordion

“The folds you fold”

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This is our evocative image of a Chinese dragon. The specific movements of this dragon inspired us to create a piece that mimics the freedom and story you tell with the accordion.  

Slide 3: Thesis

The Accordion is a strand of 20 geometric shapes that two people hold to create reflections, height elevations, different movements, and tells a story within. With the help of strong but bendable rope, the pieces are able to move precisely in different directions and fold or wrap around the body in many ways. The two large piece at the end are meant for the person to hug with their arms and act like a shield, or can be use by holding with Hands up and down.

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The accordion blind shade was one of the first precedents that inspired us and drove the idea of our second prototype.

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This picture inspired us to use different shapes to make a more interesting and elaborate piece.

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This was our first sketch where we simply just drew out some of our shapes and folding ideas. This was the first stage of our project development.

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As we were prototyping more, we began to think more about the shapes of the panels and this is what we came across. We started off with simple and then branched out.

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Although we did not end up including in the end, these r some hinge ideas we came up with to connect the piece to the body. We were originally going to use a belt and hinge system.

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This was our final structure and where we planned out what material we will use for each piece.

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Prototype #1

We began this project by playing around with folds and how they can make the paper shrink and stretch

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Prototype #2

As we started playing with the folding technique, we tried to incorporate the prompt of humans using and control it so we added string to kind go make a window blinds effect.

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Prototype #3

As we played around with the blinds we made, we wanted the paper folds to fold better and more sturdy when we condensed it so we added these card board panels in hopes of stabilizing and exaggerating the folds

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Prototype #4

As we played around with different materials we found mylar and played around with cuts and folds to see how it would bend when place between two pieces of hardstock paper

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Prototype #5

As we began to take our idea to the next level, we used cardboard to make a bigger version. We used tape to mimic hinges

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Prototype #6

We took feedback in and created our last prototype into a similar version but with different shapes instead

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Prototype #7

We knew we could not use tape for our final. So we tried out a weaving technique on our final prototype. 

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Originally we were going to use these brackets to attach the piece to a belt that would go around your body. However, after experimenting with our accordion we realized it was way to heavy and the pieces and belt would never be able to hold up.

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Use Diagram

This diagram shows all the functionalities of The Accordion piece.

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Construction Diagram

In this diagram, you can see the different shapes and layers we did in order to connect and create the final piece.

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In this photo, we are displaying our final piece which has many different functions.

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In this photo, we are using one of our wrapping techniques to demonstrate the flexibility of our piece.