SPeak up

Molly Rosenberg

A pop art inspired wall art piece designed to help encourage all women to speak up for themselves and for those around them who do not have a voice.

Women experience injustice in almost all aspects of life. The typical gender roles in the household and workforce are still present in today's society; women earn on average 79 cents for every man's dollar and women spend almost double the time men do completing household activities per day. In addition, women are constantly victims of sexual assault: 1 in every 6 women will experience attempted or completed rape in their lifetime. Speak Up is a pop art inspired wall art piece that addresses these issues and aims to help women gain the courage to break the silence around them. The target audience is mostly women, but also male allies who can make a huge difference in the battle for equality.

The project consists of a simple closed lip design repeated in a 4 by 4 grid. The repetition of this image is meant to convey the immense number of women being silenced and unable to speak their truths. In addition harsh statistics relating to this gender inequality are written on each lip, forcing the user to read about the unbelievable truths in our society. Some people are unaware of the inequality women experience, and some are aware but do not understand the power of their voice. Simply voicing one's experiences, opinions, and beliefs can not only impact one's own life, but can also inspire others to speak up; when women join voices they can change the way society sees and treats women. Along with the art piece, there will be a social media/blog based campaign to further encourage women to share their stories and opinions. By reading about other's experiences, more women will feel comfortable to speak up.