1: Robo-Sauce by Adam Rubin, and take-aparts

1: Robo-Sauce by Adam Rubin, and take-aparts

Kate James

In each session  this term, we're reading a book at opening circle time, and then using the themes, images, an ideas from that book to inspire project designs. Our first book was Robo Sauce. After reading, we moved into a take-apart activity, using tools to disassemble various household appliance and defunct electronics. We encouraged the kids to look at how the objects were put together, and what that might tell us about how they worked. 

The kids then used the pieces to make robot sculptures. We used this as an opportunity to think about connectors, and how to think about functionality when putting things together. Many of the sculptures had moving parts, and they were all full of character. At the end, we shared our projects and heard about particular challenges and successes that had happened during the day. 

All in all, a wonderful start for this group of extremely clever and creative designers!