the brain storming

the brain storming

Rowan Lavelle

before lunch the entire class sat down and finished the junior level college eletrical engineering. we finished brushing up on talking about N and P type gates to create diffrenct trasactors. and we saw that we could not make an "and" gate but we could make a "not and gate" so we did that and then put another "not" gate infront of that to make an not and not gate, or an and gate. so after we figured that out we went to work on actually creating these transactors by using the N type and P type gates and we still have yet to wire them up.


after lunch in class we brainstormed about out ideas of the door. fist we wanted to draw a large diagram on the white board to map out everything that we wanted to do. the idea we had in mind was that you had to stand on a sertain part of the door mat to have two peices of copper metal touch to connect them running five volt into the breadboard telling the arduino to turn the servo to unlock the door. then you would have to say a phrase to have a diffrent servo turn the handel so you could nudge youre way though the door. this would work against burgalurs becuase no one would be paying attention to the way you stand only to the way youre speaking. so for the next two days we have our work cut out for us