Eb is someone who is very active and tries to be outdoors whenever she can. Her hobbies include hiking, swimming, and horseback riding. She is a very active person and in our project we aim to assist her while doing some of these activities. When we talked to her, she said she had a hard time going up hills and off terrain.She also said her arms got tired from hiking long distances. In our prototypes we designed interchangeable parts so EB does not have to leave her original chair. Some of these extensions include a off terrain and snow design that can be put on the bottom of her wheelchair instead of her original parts. Another idea we had was to make a chair with more wheel assist to help Eb when her arms got tired. Next week I would like to talk EB again and then really dive in to building our projects. Some precedents to our projects are suspension cars like dune buggies, a tank, and interchangeable parts.