
Benjamin Campbell

The Beak Feeder is a hands free device for feeding another person. When we first began this project, we set out to design a utensil specifically for feeding some one else. We looked at all the ways people get food from the plate to their mouths, from forks, to chopsticks, to hands. Then, we looked beyond the human race, to the ways animals feed their young. We were incredibly interested by the way mother birds fed their young, not the pre-digestion of the food, but the way that the mother puts her beak into the mouth of her children. In addition to being practical, it is also deeply intimate. Based on this, we designed a beak like contraption that does not require hands to operate. Its motion is powered entirely by the motion of the jaw of the user. With the beak feeder, a user can feed another person using only their mouth, while remaining sanitary.