Background Research + Sources Assignment

Background Research + Sources Assignment

Faiza Hassan


Hope you are all enjoying your snowday/day off!

Today, I expect you all to take some time out your day and do some work on your project. I expect for all of you to do some background research as well as as brainstorm the sources for your project.

  • Complete background research on your topic
    • I'm looking for specific references to actual policy (be it Federal, State or Local)
    • Statistics and primary sources
  • List of Sources (includes those affected by policies, list of experts)
    • I expect a list of 3 people you will be interviewing. Send along the contact information for those sources and explain why you would be interviewing them

We will presenting your findings in the morning, however I expect that you leave a comment under this discussion with your work! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Leave me a comment with your questions!

Stay warm,
