The Brief

Marco Fubini

  In many small studio apartments, people don't have the space or money to afford multiple chairs. In this project, we add onto a simple IKEA ottoman, and make it able to convert between a simple ottoman, a table, and a full chair. 
 Living in a studio apartment requires you to make decisions on how you want to fill the small amount of space you have. One of the most common problems studio apartment owners have is making room for their chair, their coffee table, extra chairs for when guests visit, and being able to put the furniture away when it is no longer needed. With all of these needs in mind, people normally buy one chair, a coffee table, a sofa, and a normal footstool. However, while you could fit all of this furniture into a house, but in a studio apartment, every inch of space matters to keep the room from looking like a cluttered mess. With this necessity in mind, me and my partner came up with the idea of making a price of furniture as small as a ottoman, while also having multiple uses. However, this ottoman would cost half as much as a full chair, and at half the size. 
  With both compact ability  and cost in mind, we created a convertible piece of furniture, which has all the needs of a small studio apartment. By simply connecting a second ottoman seat to the back of the footstool, you are able to lift the back to change it to whatever you need. While the back is down, you have a flat, stable coffee table. At 45 degrees, the ottoman returns to its original function of being a footrest, with the addition of a pillow above your feet to add to the comfortability. Finally, at a full 90 degrees, the furniture becomes a chair. With multiple ottomans, you can also connect them, making them into a sofa. By simply latching one onto the other, they will stay connected as long as you need, and then just release the latch once you are done. As well, multiple ottomans stack onto one another easily, and can be put into the corner or in a closet when you need more space. With the cost of a small ottoman, and the functionality of a chair, table and sofa, the ottoman would be a benefit to any small apartment owners.