
Charlotte Francis

This project started with the idea to make one fall asleep and stay asleep, but evolved into something far broader. The final product that we created was a pulse oximeter and an app (made on MIT app inventor.) The App is connected through bluetooth to an arduino which has a light sensor which captures one's heartbeat. This is done through an led, which is on the pulse sensor, that when pressed against one's finger or ear lobe calculates the BPM through recieving either a 0 or a 1; 1 is a pulseation and 0 is a not. The arduino reads these numbers and sends them to the app which plays the heartbeat sound whenever a 1 is recieved.

The benefit of listening to one's heartbeat is greatly examined in Eastern medicine; it is often a method in tai chi, and is known to have soothing and somnolent benefits. We put the sensor's arduino/battery inside a bear, so as to not look quite so threatening.