Adding Students to the Platform and Assigning to Studio

Here's how you add students to the platform and assign them to a studio: 

1. Once you're signed into the platform, click your name on the top right of the page to reveal the user menu. 

2. Click the single + plus sign next to Users to add students individually OR the ++ next to users to add them in batches using a .CSVScreen Shot 2024-01-25 at 3.57.50 PM.png
3. If you are adding students in batches using a spreadsheet, you'll just follow the directions displayed on that page (simply upload a .CSV, XLS, or XLSX file with their names and emails). Screen Shot 2024-01-25 at 3.58.11 PM.png
4. Once the students are added to the platform, click on the studio you want to assign them to. Then click on the two people icon on the right side of the page and then type their name under the Student field to add them. 
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