Day 1

Keziah Hoyt

We decided to make a small desk toy robot that waves when you set off a sensor. At first we had an idea to make a desk toy that had tubes in a display case that would fill and empty using a syringe type of thing but then changed our idea once we were told that making our own syringe would be very difficult and probably wouldn't be able to be done in the time frame that we have. The hardest part of this was probably coming up with the initial idea. We decided on a robot lifting its arms and having its eyes light up with LEDs because it seemed like a project that wasn't too challenging. We then tried to figure out how the non-arduino parts would be assembled by designing them on rhino. We decided to make the robot a single box instead of having it have legs or something because it would be simpiler and easier to complete in the time given that way. We also decided that the arms would be attached to a small wood plank that ran through the width of the robot to the other arm. We thought this made the most sense instead of having 2 wooden planks. the string that would be attached to the servo would run allong this plank and onto the end of the arm, that way when the servo inside the robot spun both arms would go up at the same time. After we made some designs on rhino we started working on the coding and setup of the arduino. The assembly of the arduino code and circuit board required few big decisions because the setup had to be a certain way in order for it to work. By the end of the day we were able to set up the sensor so that when you waved your hand infront of it it set off two LEDs that will be the eyes and the servo that will moved the arms. Tomorrow we will try to assemble everything in the box that is the robot and an on off button.