
Pierce Adams

The physical module is the essential building block of all the modules the we created. It unifies everything together and creates a unique design and multiple configuration possibilitys. The specially aligned holes allow for custom cuts and the material that was used, wood can be manipulated however it is needed to be by using tools. Additionally, all of the files are open source so any additional peices that need to be created can be. The building blocks I have used can create 3d or 2d objects very easily and does not require a 3d printer or any first hand knowledge for assembly. Some of the items in the kit are teethed and this adds structural integrety to the robot that is being created. Also, the teeth also allow for a solid connection with wood glue or screws. In all, I created an all purpose robotics kit.

Studio Description

David Wang

Robots capture our imagination. Somehow, through the combination of physical structure, electro-mechnical devices, with computers and programming, we can create something that has a life of its own. In this studio, students will learn how robotics work, by starting with its fundamental components. Students will develop the building blocks of a modular robotics kit, including "plug-and-play" motors, servos, lights, power supplies, and embedded electronics. To create these blocks, students will learn about and apply physics, electrical engineering, 2D & 3D modeling tools, as well as design and fabricate their own printed circuit boards.