IPP - Fall 2015

Daily Post #3

Kalala Kiwanuka-Woernle

On Friday we began the day deciding who was going to do what on the project. Calder's main focus will be the LEDS, Sammi's will be the speakers, and mine will be sewing and helping with the LEDS and speakers. I sewed the sleeves onto the top and cut the front layer in half to make it into a jacket. I took the edges and folded them in half to make the jacket look more finished. David showed us as a group the GPS that we would be implementing into the jacket and gave us some background on how they worked. He showed us how a microphone works and how to know which one would have the best sound quality. We decided that the best product would be a microphone that would connect to a recording device. David also told us about digi-keys and McMaster so we began using these sites to look for things like buttons and LEDS. Hopefully on Monday I can remake the jacket and get the measurements a lot better.

Daily Post

Kalala Kiwanuka-Woernle

Today we began the day deciding on our IPP. I chose to work on the Visual Lullaby/ Multi-purpose jacket and I'm very excited. For this project I'm working with Calder and Sammi and I've worked with both of them in the past and I feel we will get lots of great work done. We felt that the Visual Lullaby and the Multi-purpose were really strong projects on their own, so combining them would make them even better. We began the day examining the two projects and seeing how we could combine them. We began brainstorming and focusing on who the project was for and what changes that we would need to make. We listed out the components and broke up the work so that everyone had a job. We felt that making the jacket would make it more personal so we watched a video on YouTube on how to make a bomber jacket. I'm very excited about the project and can't wait to see the final product.