Discourse | Graeme Mills

Final - Space

Graeme Mills

Graeme Mills

June 1, 2015



         Before doing in depth thinking about the definition of space one would define it simply as either an open area or place, or outer space beyond Earth. But, space can be perceived as a much more personal and individualized place or experience. For example, a house to the owner is very different from a house to a guest. To this guest a house is simply rooms with doors and chairs and tables and furniture. But to the owner, a home is a collection of memories and emotions that are attached to each room, along with associated smells, sounds, and tactile connections. I think it is fair to say that the same physical space can be very different depending on who is inside the space or experiencing it.

When we analyze space we have to be aware that there is more than meets the eye, more than a defined geographic, measurable place. Space is just as much a physical idea as it is an emotional idea or mental construct. When analyzing a space we should not just look at it and think about it on in isolation or without context. Even observing space depends on other people’s experiences and perspectives. It’s much like the highly individual interpretation that comes from a work of art.

Space is also a social sharing of experiences. A space can be determined by who is with you and what you are doing with that person. For example an empty room with music playing from a speaker is very, very, different from a room that is full of people, conversation, and music. If people understood that space is not just what they interpret and rather a collaborative interpretation, they would not look at space, which could be other people, other cultures, or other ideas, from just their own perspectives or measuring sticks. Instead, people would seek out other opinions and people’s own opinions and personal experiences in order to define their own. This would significantly help the global community in terms of the acceptance of others and their cultures and ideas. This would help create a far more inclusive and open global community.