Genius Camp Winter 2014/15


Jules Gouvin-Moffat and Sam Daitzman
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The Gaping Maw of the Void is Coming For Us (or as I like to call it, "Penguin") was formed by the raw human desire for destruction. Our group had the opportunity to completely demolish a McDonald's Happy Meal toy, and we took this task upon ourselves with disturbing glee. This project provided a unique and haunting experience of bringing a surrealist hell into the physical world, and our final product is multi-faceted and captivating.

I highly recommend that, given the chance, you should play this ( in the background while playing the reading. You will laugh and you will cry

Selfie in Context

Jules Gouvin-Moffat
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The context for my selfie was my messy room (the drawing ended up making it look nicer than it is, but trust me). I'm also posting the actual selfie I took because I simply cannot understand why you wouldn't want more photos of my face in your day.

Thanks to my wife/best friend Sofia Canale-Parola for whipping this up in a matter of minutes. You should really, really take two minutes out of your day to watch this at full screen, full volume.

Cake: An Image of Woe

Jules Gouvin-Moffat
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My self portrait was (obviously) majorly influenced by the themes of existentialism, surrealism, and the inevitability of death. At first, the portrait may seem a normal scene-disturbingly normal, in fact. This actually becomes the viewer's first subconscious hint that something is amiss. A mere, second-long, glance would not reveal the truth: that I am, in fact, resting upon a cake. But honestly, who knows if the truth as a concept even exists?

However, the whole unsettling, slightly subtle "truth" is still visible. Then again, who actually cares? Who will muster up enough interest to notice that my sleeping arrangements are a desperate cry for emotional, mental, and physical help? Who will take note of my depressed facial expression? Who, indeed, will even read these words? 

In the end (the very literal end, my friends), this lack of interest in the affairs of simple folk (e.g., me) becomes our downfall. This is evidenced by the encroaching darkness; not only in the portrait but in our souls. 

The second image features a snapshot of what my process was like in creating my self portrait. Clearly, chaos can only come from chaos.