Dancing Bot
Eliana Green - Girls Design Robots
Design Requirements:
- Must be interactive (takes human input and responds with an output like a servo motor or LED)
- Must have at least one moving part
- Must be no larger than a 10 cm cube (or about a 4 in cube)
- Must incorporate at least one concept from our "Brainstorming" exercise from last week
How I met these requirements:
- Motion sensor (human input) detects motion and tells servo motor (output) to stop moving
- Servo motor moves
- Self explanatory
- A "nervous" piece of yellow paper was an inspiration to how my robot would move.
Goal: To design and build a robot that moves to convey emotion and interacts with a human.
- "Dancing Groot Bot", based on Guardians of the Galaxy scene
- This bot would dance until motion was sensed, then it would stop until it could dance alone
- Would wobble nervously if disturbed for too long
- This is the final design I decided on doing
- "Goldilocks Bot"
- Would crumple up if 'too bright' or 'too dark', using photoresistor
- Large appendages inspired 'hair' of final bot
- "Venus Flytrap Bot"
- Touch sensor, bot would close if something was sensed
- Would open back up when finger lightened weight