The Frilled Lizard Harness

Frilled Lizard Harness

Rosa Boehm and Uliana Dukach
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Brief - Rosa Boehm

Frilled Lizard Harness  -
A wearable design based on the Frill Lizard's defense mechanism and the Diurnal Mural of a gecko on Garden St. This piece is meant to draw attention to fear and show when the person is feeling this based on how the scales react to their emotion. 

The Frilled Lizard Neckpiece is a fashion wearable designed to mimic the defense mechanism of the Frilled Lizard, which pops up its frill when it feels threatened. The lizard's frill is a circular flab of skin behind the neck that pops up to frame the head and create a larger more menacing appearance. The neckpiece adapts this mechanism for humans: the model can move the wooden scales used to imitate the frill by having the model fold his or her arms towards themselves. One way that this could be incorporated into society is if someone needs help communicating his or her emotions to others. Instead of verbally communicating, they would be able to visually communicate through this design. Our hope is to help people visualize how much we have in common with other creatures even as remote from us as a frilled lizard, and how we can learn from them. 

Mid Review Presentation - Rosa B.

Rosa Boehm and Uliana Dukach