(1b) Visual Communication Final Project

Weekly Summary Post

Andrew Todd Marcus
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The purpose of this post is to synthesize and document your progress for the past week. your most recent classes. This is not merely a report of what you’ve done but an analysis of your work culminating in a clear statement of your direction for the project.  You must include today's documentation in this post. This homework should take ~1 hour to complete.

  • Post 5-10 images from this recent blog posts and clearly title and caption each one. This should include precedents, sketches, and photos of your work.
  • Reflect on the full week of drawing exercises as a whole. 
  • Questions to consider:
    • How has your thinking changed during each exercise?
    • How have the 3 shorter exercises (Line, Shape, Text) informed the way you are thinking about the final Song exercise? 
    • What overall themes emerged from your work?
    • In what ways will you be able to apply abstraction techniques to other studios at NuVu?
  • Write a Thesis Statement/Project Description for your Song Abstraction.
  • As part of the discussion, reflect on the feedback you received from coaches and the design decisions you made based on this feedback. You will have multiple simultaneous paths – technical, fabrication and conceptual -- write about them all. Relate this discussion to specific images you posted, by title of the image.
  • Discuss how your decisions relate to your Thesis Statement and indicate if you changed your thesis and why. We want to know how the work you did this week supports your overall project goals. Be specific.