
Uliana Dukach and Zeke Hurley

NuVie Town was designed to make accessible software for image recognition and reaction in the field of self-driving cars, an advancement in technology that's very large, so we started small. Sine bot is a miniature electronic car with two wheels in front and a ball joint in the back for stabilization. This miniature electronic tricycle car allows control of its movement, allowing for easy implementation of its ability to perceive its surroundings. With an onboard power source and computer, it is able to do the calculations as it drives accordingly.

Based on the mechanics of life-sized self-driving cars, the car relies primarily on a digital camera analyzing the visible light spectrum to recognize things such as street lanes and signs. In NuVie Town the Sine bot is able to recognize objects from a video with the microcomputer that is on board, known as a Raspberry Pi. To obtain a visual data set to make the recognition code. Sine bot was originally controlled with a simple game controller for video games that were coded to interface with it. 


Andrew Todd Marcus


This post's privacy is set to Everyone. This post showcases your final design by telling the comprehensive story of how your idea was born, developed, and manifested. The arc of the story should encompass the, How of your project in a compelling narrative. It showcases your design process including your brainstorming, each of your iterations, and your final prototype. It allows the viewer to delve deeply into your process.

  • Every Slide should have a Title and Caption.
    The body of this post is The Brief. You should include a version of the Brief for each collaborator in the project.
  • This post will be used in your review presentation at the end of the session.

You are encouraged to make your narrative as compelling as possible. All of the content below should be included, but if you would like to rearrange the material in order to tell your story differently, work with your coach.


Your presentation is a narrative, and the introduction sets up the scene for that story. Here you introduce the project, say why it is important, and summarize what you did.

TITLE WITH TAGLINE: This slides shows a crisp, clear final image and the title of your project. with a pithy blurb describing the project. The image, name, and tagline should draw a viewer in. 


  • The Fruit - A line following, light tracking robot
  • Segmented Vehicle - A vehicle that conforms to the landscape
  • Cacoon - Wearable sculpture exploring the concept of transformation and death

EVOCATIVE  IMAGE: This is a single image that shows a clear image that evokes the soul of your project. This image helps set up the why in a compelling way, sets the stage for your narrative, and will help frame the entire presentation. The caption of this slide (set with the Edit Captions button when editing your post) should discuss the context of your project. No Text on the slide.

THESIS STATEMENT: This is a TEXT ONLY slide for which briefly describes the Soul and Body of your project. You can use the project description from your Brief or write something new. This statement ties together your narrative.


  • The Cocoon:  A wearable sculpture that explores the concept of transformations and death. The Cocoon explores the spiritual journey beyond the human experience; what it means to be human, how wonder effects us, and the concept of what happens after death.
  • Body Accordion: A musical prosthetic that translates the wearer’s body movements into a dynamic multimedia performance. The Body Accordion converts flex sensor input to sound through Arduino, MaxMSP, and Ableton Live. 
  • Seed to Soup Animation: A whimsical animation about the slow food movement. Seed to Soup showcases a holistic method of cooking. From garden, to kitchen, to dinner table.
  • Antlers: A wearable sculpture inspired by antlers found in the deer and antelope family. "Antlers" explores the comparison between armor and attraction. 


The Process Portion of your presentation tells the story of how you iteratively developed your project. Somewhere in that story you should include conceptual and technical precedents that guided you at each stage as well as brainstorming and process sketches and clear photo booth imagery for 3-4 stages of your process.

This portion is made up of three types of slides repeated 3-4 times. Each iteration in your process should include:

  • PRECEDENTS:  Precedents are any projects that inspired you creatively or gave you technical guidance. These can include conceptual precedents and technical precedents. No Text.
  • SKETCHES/SKETCH CONCEPT DIAGRAMS: These slides show your generative ideas in sketch form. These should clean, clear drawings. A sketch should show a clear idea. Do not simply scan a messy sketchbook page and expect that people will understand. If you do not have a clear concept or working sketches it is fine to make them after the fact. No Text.
  • PROTOTYPE IMAGES:  These are actual images of the prototypes  you documented in your daily posts. These images illustrate your design decisions and how your project changed at each step. No Text.


The Final stage of your presentation is the resolution of your narrative and shows your completed work. The use diagram shows how your project works and the construction diagram shows how it is assembled. Final photos show the project both in action and at rest. The imagery captures your final built design.

USE DIAGRAM: A diagram showing some aspect of the functionality. These can include:

  • How one uses or interacts with the project
  • The overall behavior of the project over time
  • For a complex interactive project, this can be a clear diagram of the software behavior

MECHANICAL DIAGRAM:  A diagram offering insight on how the project is put together and functions technically.

  • Ideally, this will be an exploded axonometric
  • At minimum this can be a labeled disassembled photo  

ELECTRONICS or OTHER DIAGRAM: Additional diagrams showing some important aspect of your design. 

IMAGERY: The last slides should have an images of the final project. These images should be taken in the photo booth, cropped, and adjusted for contrast, brightness, etc. Images should include:

  • An image of the project in use (taken in the booth or at large). This should include a human interacting with the project.
  • Images of project alone. Include at least one overall image and one detail image.
  • You can also use an image In-Use. 
  • Consider using a GIF to show how the project works. 


The Brief Part 2 - Full Brief

Andrew Todd Marcus

Just a Reminder for Everyone-

The Brief is due Monday morning by 9:00AM. Please wait to complete the brief until you have received comments about your outline.THIS SHOULD BE POSTED IN THE WRITING TAB OF YOUR PROJECT.

Remember, all documents related to the brief are found HERE. These include a note from the writing coach and the Composition Reminder Sheet.

Now that you have created an document that outlines all of the information you want to relate in the Brief, it is time to weave that information together into a strong narrative that ties together the Why, How and What and Who of your project through clear, cogent writing. Tell the story of how your idea was born, developed, and manifested.

Create 1 post titled “The Brief” in the Writing tab with text that includes the following 2 items, numbered:

  1. A 1-2 sentence project description for your transcript. This will serve as the basis of the Project Description that appears in your transcript. This description should not include the name of the project and should be written in the third person. This was Question 1 in your Outline.
    Night Light Blankie: A child's sensory blanket that provides comfort and privacy in the high stress environment of the hospital using weight, textures, and light. The blanket transforms into a mini light up fort over a child’s head.
    Cocoon: a shroud that explores human spirituality and the concept of life after death through the use of repetitive religious iconography. Composed of over 300 pieces of laser cut balsa wood lined with space tape, the icons are arranged using a mathematical strange attractor.
  2. A 1-2 paragraph brief for your project based on the description below. This will be based off the information you put together in your Outline and should focus on style. The NuVu writing coach will give you feedback and you will have the opportunity to revise this text before the final presentation. The primary purpose of this version of the Brief is to explain what you did, why you did it, and what you learned by trying it. Imagine the Brief is hanging on the wall next to your work. In 1-2 paragraphs, a viewer should understand what your project is,  how it works, why you chose that approach, and what you learned.

Things to think about:

  • Use the information in your Outline. Do not simply put all of the answers together -- you must weave it together into a clear story.
  • The what is a clear statement of the thesis or problem+solution. Your project description for your transcript (#1 above) can be adapted for this purpose.
  • The how briefly explains what technical prowess, innovative methods, or cool materials you used in your solution.
  • The why explains the reason behind how you chose your current approach. Perhaps you tried something else that didn't work. Maybe you didn't have time to try anything else but chose your current path based on an educated guess or experimentation. Describe your thoughts.
  • Think of the reader - it is good to imagine that a college admissions officer AND a potential employer in the field of your design should both be able to understand and be excited by the project based on your writing.

Write in the Third person in an explanatory fashion. Resist using I, WE, OUR, or YOU and focus on describing the work.


AI: Nuvie town

Saba Ghole

Artificial intelligence (AI), deep learning, and neural networks are omnipresent in today’s industries and products, including transportation, medical diagnosis, search engines, shopping and marketing, autonomous vehicles, social media, remote sensing, and many more. They offer machine learning-based techniques that can be used to solve large scale problems - problems that are out of reach of human capability given their complexity to both model and solve. We’ll take these concepts and apply them to NuVietown, a scaled down futuristic mini-city, where we will explore autonomous vehicles, algorithms for creating efficient transportation routes, and how to design single-robot and multi-robot behaviors for interacting with one another and the environment.

In this studio, we’ll begin by discussing what it means to have machine intelligence. We’ll go deep into how artificial neural networks use statistical models (modeling biological neural networks) to process relationships and then use learning algorithms and optimization techniques to learn from observed data and improve their models toward an optimal solution. We’ll also learn about the power of deep learning to consume and process very raw input data in order to calculate a target output. Get ready to dive into deeper learning, and apply it hands-on in NuVie Town!

Focus Skills/Subjects/Technologies:

   Machine Learning (AI, Deep Learning, Neural Networks)

   Physics (Electricity, Magnetism)




   Robotics (Arduino, Sensors, Actuators)