6: Claymates, and stop-motion animation

Kate James

After reading the lively tale of two clay blobs that find all different forms, we launched into stop motion video projects. The students got to choose between legos, clay, some small creatures, or any combination of materials that they could dream up. We worked on storyboarding, and then made the videos. To show how the process works, we had an ongoing video of a snowman melting being made. 

The kids were really proud of their results. It is hard to get used to moving the pieces on the scenes so incrementally, but by the end of the session they seemed to have gotten the hang of it.

The videos the kids made can be accessed in this google folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GXoFEbfv9fqHEhlCfpeXtUylSzCNIevd?usp=sharing