Exotisism Unwrapped Studio Narrative

Finn Mayeux and Finn Mayeux

Concept Development


Physical Fabrication

Project Paragraph

Growth Paragraph

Concept Development

 Exoticism Unwrapped is a project aiming to challenge the popularization of the Mediterranean diet in America. The American Mediterranean diet is based off the food of Greece and Italy, ignoring the rest of the 20 countries in the Mediterranean Sea region. Our group held a workshop where attendees cooked a dish that's common through the whole Mediterranean region, Yebra. The workshop also facilitated a conversation about the exoticism of food in America,

In this studio, my main goal was to participate in interesting discussions and learn how to discuss world politics with more poise and compassion. I think the workshop our group lead was a good example of these things, the discussions were productive and fun, and the food was pretty darn tasty. I think I learned more about the application of food, I don't cook very often. And when I do its usually dishes I've made many times before. So this was a good learning curve!

Exoticism Unwrapped is a project that examines exoticism via a workshop as well as an interactive food exhibit in order to facilitate conversations and discussions about all aspects of exoticism. In this project, we contrast the allure of exotic foreign food as one with extraordinary health benefits with that of unfamiliar cuisines with deep cultural roots that may be unappetizing to American sensibilities.