
Anara Magavi and Charlie Whinnery

Anara Magavi & Charlie Whinnery


October 13, 2023

Math Dance

Methods of testing - observation, writing notes, wrote down quotes, took photos of exhibit not kids. 

Variable/elements of testing (section of proto, engagement, testing hypothesis) - testing the glow floor, testing engagement with prototype, testing initial attention to exhibhit

Limitations of testing (location, timing, etc) - timing: lunch started and kids left, location: in the hallway at end of exhibits. 

Be specific about outcomes (how many minutes did people use, quotes from users) - 30 seconds to 1 minute of interaction. One user engaged and then was removed by their caretaker. 

What are the exact next steps of what will happen with the next prototype? - make updated bigger patterns for decoration, make an explanation of how to interact with the exhibit, make the floor work better - lights, sensitivity, etc - , safety ring for the floor.