Max Studio Narrative

Max Fuhrer

Engage and Persist


Physical Fabrication

Project Paragraph

Growth Paragraph

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Our project is a terrain board made for tabletop games such as Warhammer and DnD. Our board is made up of modular peices that can fit together to create new maps whenever you want to play. We made our board for our Warhammer club so that we could play on it. Our board was made using materials that most schools would have access to or that were fairly inexpensive to order online. Each of the board pieces was made from 3x3 inch pieces of insulation foam we cut with a hot wire cutter. The details on top of each piece were made from insulation foam or styrofoam. To make them look real, we painted them with acrylic and dusted them with colored saw dust. And once all the pieces were placed down, it made a map perfect for playing Warhammer.

For our project we needed to focus on collaboration. Only one member of our group actually had played the game we were making our board for, so comunication was very important. Our project went through many changes from the first day so we had to engage with each other and persist through all the issues we encountered. We spent most of our time making things from foam as well as learning and experimenting with how to make expensive materials for free. In the end, we made a very successful project that we will be able to keep building on as well as use for our club.