Engage and persist
Project Paragraph
Growth Paragraph
Reading & Media Literacy
A Suit of Storm and Steel story about a person who was from a more 'modern' future who was frozen for over 10 000 years and ended up in the 'past' which is a mix of the middle ages, roman/renaissance and fantasy civilizations where he has to survive this new world. I created this story with my partner, who I had to discuss and debate many details and other parts about that would help build this world. This project was meant to basically play on some tropes of man out of time and genres like sci-fi, fantasy and apocalypses, otherwise, this story was written to essentially introduce readers to a world that was similar yet different from but otherwise was a story written for the sake of writing a story.
During the project I improved upon my collaboration and Engaging and persisting. This was especially important as this project was writing based and I had a partner to work with on this story and we had to share our ideas and workflow. As it turns out our strengths and weaknesses augmented each others as what I struggled with my partner was able to do really well and what Z couldn't do I could. Examples of this include the various edits to the writing suggested by Chris, an example of something which he helped with was pointing out how I had quite frequently written with a passive voice rather than an active voice, which I changed to and made a difference in the story flow.