Studio Narrative

Theo Gurtz

Engage and Persist



Project Paragraph

Growth Paragraph

Concept Development

The Interview is a film about reflecting and making decisions based on events. In the film, the main character Christian Carrol is a rookie journalist, and gets an interview with a serial killer. He has a rocky first interview and goes home only to hallucinate that the serial killer is in his own home. He goes back to the serial killer for a second interview to try and understand what happened, and after conversing decides that journalism might not be the best path for him. Interview was about experimenting with filming techniques and script writing.

Growth is a very nebulous concept. It’s based on your definition of better than before, which I guess is the subjective part to growth. Well, in my very subjective opinion I became better at collaboration, persisting, writing, and concept development. In collaboration it was very, very challenging to work with people that had such a different view to what a good story is, which leads me on to the most important one here: persisting. I don’t think I could express the sheer work that went into making a somewhat comprehensible final product. This is the one I spent the most time and effort on. Writing, I love to write. I became better at writing from working on a genre that don't usually engage with. Last but not least concept development, I think all movies are concept development in some way, but just envisioning the story and recreating that in the real world was challenging.