Future Furniture

Future Furniture is an introductory design studio that combines theoretical knowledge, practical craftsmanship, and effective communication techniques. In this studio, we will dive into the history of furniture design, analyzing the evolution of styles, materials, and techniques used throughout different periods. By studying the past, we will gain insights and inspiration for our own contemporary designs.

Through hands-on workshops and guided exercises, we will learn the basics of prototyping, joinery, and other construction techniques. These skills will enable us to bring our design concepts to life and explore the possibilities of form, function, and structure.

We will develop the ability to present our concepts verbally and visually, honing our storytelling skills. Through workshops, critiques, and presentations, we will learn how to create compelling narratives around our designs and effectively communicate our vision to others.

As a culmination of our studio experience, we will collaboratively create a life-sized piece of furniture that will enhance our studio space. Working in teams, we will apply our knowledge, skills, and creativity to develop a functional and aesthetically appealing design. This project will require us to integrate our understanding of history, language, and mathematics to solve design challenges and realize the vision of our Future Furniture.



We will be creating a simple LED circuit to illuminate our custom designed lamps. 


Learn the basics of electricity, battery voltage, switches, and LED polarity to prototype a simple circuit. Then, consider the design implications of embedding the LED into our paper lamp creations.


Photograph your explorations with circuits and post about how you intend to use the LED in your lamp in a unique way to create a specific lighting effect.