Identity Vessels

Project Ideas

Dhruv Mohan and Dhruv Mohan

Guiding Questions

Dhruv Mohan and Dhruv Mohan

1. How does this object make you feel? How does it make others feel.

Ideally, my object makes people feel satisfied when they make a basket while playing basketball.

2. Does this object communicate the feeling that you have in mind? Why or why not?

I think my object communicates the feeling that I have in mind, because most people when they "Swish" a basketball are satisfied.

3. How does this shared feeling fit into your identity.

I love to feel satisfaction when doing something, an so do others.


Dhruv Mohan and Dhruv Mohan

Early Prototypes

Dhruv Mohan and Dhruv Mohan

I guess I could've scaled the basketball up

StoryBoard Feedback

Dhruv Mohan and Dhruv Mohan

Some of the storyboard feedback that I would incorporate into my next version would be to add straight lines, and make them bold. Also, make sure that my writing is clear.

Vessel's of containment

Lloyd Graves and Lloyd Graves

Vessel's of containment

Lloyd Graves IV, Fall 2023

River game, Windmill, and Dogs

Bennett Dowers


Ben Dowers, Fall 2023

Over the course of the studio, I grew at sketching and drawing, iteration, engaging, and collaborating. I grew at sketching when we sketched containers for objects, sketching parts of our identities on the identity cubes, and sketching memories. This will allow me to express my ideas through drawing better. I did iteration when I made cardboard versions of my projects, and experimented with different versions of my game. This helped me realize that many small ideas can be better than on big idea. I collaborated when I asked for feedback from the people at my table about my windmill project, and they said that I should make the windmill have extra pieces. This helped me improve at seeking out feedback. Raising my hand once per day and asking for feedback helped me improve at my goal of engaging and persisting, and at asking questions.

Mid Review

Patrick Tibbetts

Patrick's Memories

Identity Vessels, Fall 2023

Patrick Tibbetts