Suit Evolutionary

Suit Evolutionary

Ryan Ferguson and Jacob Greene

Suit Evolutionary

For Marvel People

Jacob Greene

The Suit Evolutionary is a contemporary zoetrope that shows the evolution of the Ironman suit chronologically through the movies. The design of this project is for someone who is interested in how time moves through Marvel movies, since it doesn’t necessarily have to be about Ironman. This design will benefit anyone who enjoys learning more about Marvel movies as a whole. The design works as follows, one will have the project and look into the opening to see one of the evolutions of Ironman’s suits. Then, you cant turn the dial to view other evolutions of Ironman. The user can also use the labels on the dial to find a specific evolution to look at.These labels are a symbolic abstraction of each of these suits. 

    This time capture of Ironman is a new way to envision the evolution of not just the movies, but of Ironman as a character. We learn through his mistakes and iterations on how to become better on the next try.