social Shield

Anara Magavi and 3 OthersAnara Magavi
Mercy Schmidt
Sasha Hill

Social Shield

Anara Magavi, Sasha Hill, and Mercy Schmidt

Anara's Brief:

Social Shield is a wearable art piece that targets the issue of judgment based on clothing and self-expression. Many people feel nervous to wear certain clothing pieces or outfits because they do not want to be judged or mocked for being different. 

Fast fashion has brought a new wave of ever-changing styles that come in and out so quickly that many people cannot, or do not want to keep up. Sometimes the individuals who do not keep up with the trends are judged, especially in young adult demographics. Social Shield is worn by the judged person. It is a movable sculpture that is attached to the wearer's upper back with a harness-like system. Spikes made of wood curve around the person's arms and shoulders and point inwards. On the spikes, there are designs of abstracted eyes that unsettle the viewer and give them a sense of being called out. In its resting state, the wooden curves nest within each other as a sign of vulnerability. When the wearer feels judged, they can pull the pieces up to create a shield that gives them security and protection while pushing away the attacker.