Could That Be Me?

Silvia Askanase and 2 OthersFinn Mayeux
Kody White

Could That Be Me?

Finn and Zoe

Could That Be Me? is a choice-based game revolving around a transgender non-binary teenager in the modern day. A common experience for trans people is to feel social dysphoria as a result of ignorance and misgendering. The goal of the game is to help cisgender people understand some of the daily struggles trans people face. The game is an amalgamation of the creator’s experiences and is not meant to represent the experience of every trans person. The game allows the player to choose their name and avatar, and as the game progresses the player is brought through everyday experiences with the character.

Brief- Finn

Could that be me? is a choice-based game revolving around a transgender androgynous high schooler, experiencing their everyday life. A common experience of transgender people is harassment or unwanted questions in public spaces. Unwanted questions aimed at trans people are typically caused by ignorance and misplaced curiosity. This game was designed to bring light to the trans experience and is aimed towards nontransgender or binary transgender people. The shared understanding the game creates intends to invoke empathy.

     Social dysphoria allows players to understand the trans experience in a way they can't in person. The player puts themselves into the main character’s shoes not just by letting them choose their preferred name and character model, but also by sharing knowledge of intense consequences. As the game progresses, the character encounters more ignorant statements and disinterest in addressing them correctly. Because of this, they experience a breakdown. The game experience is characterized by visual effects like gray and blurry edges around the screen to simulate an emotional reaction, such as dissociation, as well as blurred text while a character is speaking to the user, to show that the main character can't entirely hear them.

Brief - Zoe 

Could That Be Me? is a game that follows the life of a nonbinary teenager in the 21st century. The game focuses on the effects that misgendering, deadnaming, and general transphobia can have on someone who doesn't conform to a binary trans experience. As the game progresses, the player navigates through dialogue, all of which has an effect on the player's wellbeing and can ultimately  lead to a breakdown. 

Could That Be Me? is intended  to help make binary trans and cis people more understanding to the plights of nonbinary trans people. While Social Dysphoria does not represent the experience of every trans person, the events in the game are an amalgamation of the creator's experiences.The shared stories that went into creating this game were put together to help the player feel empathetic towards some of the most common transphobic actions.