
Alex Gough-Schnapp


cool image

Alex Gough-Schnapp


Hunter I need you to

Alex Gough-Schnapp

Here are some sprites for the characters.

Coaches Chck this out

Alex Gough-Schnapp

COol Stuff jkgslewjknfjwkerhnfkldnbjjkfsjkndfjksdbdfnklshbfjksldfahjzsdnkmo;fnajlfsdkjsfad

Treasure Sprites

Alex Gough-Schnapp

2nd is open, first is closed

the health mechnaic

Alex Gough-Schnapp
pt 2.unitypackage

still not finished but I think this would a good way so hunter can kind of sculp since he seems to be a lot more confident

Some more diagrams

Alex Gough-Schnapp

Some more with the relation 

trees diagram

Alex Gough-Schnapp

Cool tree

Character Design!!!

Alex Gough-Schnapp

cool idea. If this is a go ahead I will have to go in and clean the image up and create the frame for each animation

Extra information about the water cycle.

Alex Gough-Schnapp

Forests help control the water cycle by regulating precipitation, evaporation and flows. Layers of forest canopy, branches and roots can store and release water vapor, which controls rainfall. ... Deforestation weakens this process, leading to irregular rainfall patterns including drought and flooding.