Girls Save the World (On-site)

Girls Save The World

Saba Ghole

Session 2: July 26-August 6, 2021

When you observe the world around you, do you find yourself wanting change? Do you hear an inner voice that seeks justice? Come join the bold quest to change the status quo, make visible systems of power, activate latent possibilities and deploy new methods of dissent!

In this studio, students will find tactics for persuasion, expression and action on contemporary issues they feel passionate about. Whether it is a campaign movement for consuming ugly produce that gets tossed from the shelves for their visual flaws or devising design interventions for women living in prison systems built for men, the call for meaningful change is limitless. Students will use the power of digital design and prototyping techniques to explore new ways to take a stance on a powerful issue of this generation! 


Focus Skills/Subjects/Technologies:





   Robotics (Arduino, Sensors, Actuators)

   Rapid Prototyping


  • Enrolling students must be between the ages of 11 to 18