Weather Shade

Brandon Sado

The Weather Shade is an architectural addition to Maui Mall designed to allow users to escape the weather by providing shade against the heat and the cold of the rain. The weather shade panels open in response to sunlight, and on brisker, rainier days the hatch-like openings shut.

Based upon the folding panels along the Al Bahar towers in Abu Dhabi, the Weather Shade allows for users to seek a wider space of shelter from rain or sun on Maui. Along the panels, hatch-like openings raise or lower with the breeze of the wind depending on the conditions. If the sun shines, the panels react, if it is rain, the openings remain closed, allowing users to observe an arrow like pattern running along the panels, while maintaining the functionality of shielding those under the panels from the weather conditions on Maui. Whether it be rain or sweltering heat, the panels keep users dry or cool depending on the day. The overall vision of the Weather Shade is to allow for a more pleasing experience at Maui Mall.