
Aiden Barclay


Aiden Barclay

SmarT SecuriTy - A Safe and Secure Security System


Aiden Barclay

A safe and secure way to keep our children and second amendment safe.

Thesis Statement

Aiden Barclay

We wanted to provide a security system to everyone no matter there economic status.

Evocative Image

Anderson Lynch

Link for Arduino program/model

Michael Glazer

Materials List

Aiden Barclay

Interior Diagram

Aiden Barclay

This is what we want the interior of our lock to be. The motherboard (Ardunio), the Servo (opens the door), and the finger print reader are all key components to our project.

Exterior Diagram

Aiden Barclay

Our plan is to make our fingerprint scanner be attached to a lock of a door. The plan we have come up with is to make a 3d triangle design to maximize interior space for the materials we need.

People over Profit Diagram

Aiden Barclay