Paul Revere

Will Fosnot

I would like to revisit the revolutionary war. the first scene that comes to my mind is Paul Revere riding his horse around Massachusetts. The overall ambiance of this era is anger. Some current events are Hong Kong protest because the are revolting against the Chinese Government. It is relevant to revisit because it is a huge part of our country. I would emphasize that William Dawes and Samuel Prescott rode with Paul Revere, they were left out of the poem and subsequently most history books.

9/11 First Responders

John Flynn Lydon

Survivors of the 9/11 attacks on the U.S are in danger twenty years later. Specifically first responders who went in and out of the debris of the World Trade Centers. Because they were saving peoples lives, many of them have been slammed with the so called "World trade center illness". Many of them are getting cancer and respiratory disease because of the deadly debris that was spewed out into lower Manhattan during the 9/11 attacks. Many people don't think of the health condition of the first responders today. President Trump recently signed a permanent extension of funding for victim compensation that will run through 2090 to cover surviving 9/11 first responders  for their entire lives.