The Crucible

Hugo Fowler

Setting, Plot & Characters Plot  

  • What parts of the play did you find most interesting?
    • I liked the scene about people blaming others for being a witch for their own personal gain while on trial
  • What parts bored you?
    • I was bored when play was just beginning, as the characters had not been established yet
  • How did you feel during different parts of the play?
    • I felt entertained because the actors did just enough of interacting with the audience
  • What caused these feelings?
    • The cast walked through the seats and interacted with you before the show, and sometimes during the show
  • Who do you like? Who do you dislike? Who does not interest you?
    • I liked john proctor because he had a lot of character development throughout the play. I disliked the judge because I felt his decisions were unjust.

2) Themes – What are the prominent ideas or concepts explored in the play?

I think the idea of people using their situation for their own personal gain was explored in-depth throughout the play.

3) Production/Design Elements - Set, Props, Costumes, Lighting, Sound

  • How does each element help tell the story?
    • The props show what people are doing. The lights show us the tone, and the sound gives us context for the other elements. The costumes and set show the setting.
  • How does each element tell us about the characters?
    • It helps show personality and feelings
  • How does each element create a feeling, atmosphere, or emotion?
    • Each element changes the way you perceive the play and changes your viewpoint.

4) Theater and Its Double: Art Reflects Life, Life Reflected Through Art

  • Are any characters like actual people today or in history? Who?
    • John proctor is similar to anyone who did something wrong but in the sacrificed themselves for the greater good
  • How is this story similar to actual events that have occurred in the past or are happening in the world today? Which events?
    • It is similar to any time people were punished because of their difference from the rest of the group.