
Ella Val

Racial segregation/Civil Rights Movement. Within the Crucible there are characters that are being accused of things that they are not and have no control over. This is very similar to what was happening during this era (civil rights movement)

Tragic Hero:

  1. The hero is in a position of power: this position is deserving- deserves the honor and respect that he gets
  2. The hero has a tragic flaw- a flaw that is so big that causes mistakes, judgment, and a downfall
    1. Flaw= Hubris(excessive pride)
    2. Mistake= thinks he can change his fate
  3. Hero suffers downfall but recognizes, learns and owns his mistakes

The tragic hero in "The Crucible" Is John Proctor as he is the story's protagonist but he suffers from many mistakes throughout the stories. 

One of the events in the crucible relates to the slam witch trials. One of the social issues affecting the Salem witch trials is gender inequality which is something that is still prevalent in the current day.