Configure Me/Configure This | Robert Orcutt

Bean Bag Chair Final Presentation

Robert Orcutt

This year in our NUVU studio we were challenged to modify a piece of furniture to make it more convenient for us to use.  My group and I decided that we would modify a bean bag chair.  The problem was that as a tall person it is often difficult to sit in a bean bag chair since they are all the way on the floor.  Throughout the class we came up multiple iterations of our design.  We first started out with a design that was similar to an egg chair.  The idea was to have something that looked like a standard chair that would have big enough edges to hold in the bean bag chair.  Once we created our prototype we realized that it wouldn't work well for holding the bean bag in place.  We then moved on to the base idea that is similar to our final product.  One of the NUVU coaches that we met with showed us how we could make it less boxy with a design that flows well.  Our base would lift the chair up off the ground and make it easier to sit in.  We did this by creating a design in rhino.  From there we brought the design over to the laser cutter and cut it out of wood.  We then took the pieces and snapped them together and applied glue.  We finished by making small bean bag that fit nicely on the base.