Configure Me/Configure This | Alyssa Blythe

Bean Bag Chair Final Project

Alyssa Blythe

We were given the task to make a piece of furniture with multiple purposes. My partner had the idea to create something that made it easier for him, a very tall person, to sit in a bean bag chair. With the help of the NUVU coaches, we started adapting a short tables of sorts into something for professional use. Going back and forth with the NUVU coaches and taking suggestions from our piers lead us to our final design- one that was closer to our original idea than the more formal iteration. 

If we were to make a full size version of our model I'm sure we would encounter problems. With more time and full scale iterations, we could solve these and continue our progress to make our design the best it could be. I believe that the model we have created servers its purpose well and is developed as far as it could be.