
Tyler Kendrick

Setting: Long ago, we lived among Heroes who protect us from the Giants of the Dasani. The Heroes were immortal beings and kept the peace however Elixir, the eldest of the Heroes, fell in love with a giant and created a hybrid being of a Hero and Giant. The couple and their offspring were banished from both nations. They have been in hiding for years, and the two nations ignored the incident and kept their distance. Elixir has reappeared with an army of Acadians, hybrid offsprings, with the intent to destroy both nations and become king of Luscenium. The Acadians are more powerful than any Giant or any Hero; the only way both nations can continue to survive is if they work together. But will they? Can we team up with Giants and live?


  • Benjamin (narrator/human)
  • Elixir (Hero)
  • Alyssona (Giant)
  • Alvante (Acadian)
  • Setrus 
  • Thomas
  • Ronoake