The Specialist

Christiana Alo

The specialist is a submarine that combats ocean acidification. It does this by dropping capsules containing the proper chemicals that are able to offset ocean acidification. The submarine is equipped with a hatch that will drop the capsules, and a mini camera located at the top of the submarine so it can collect data and navigate where it’s going. 

Our world is dying. Greenhouse gases and pollution are causing the world to turn into a shell of what it once was. These substances not only cause problems for the land, but also the oceans. The dramatic increase of Co2 in our atmosphere is causing our oceans PH to change, making our waters acidic levels over the top. These reasons are causing death to our coral reef.  Thatʻs what the specialist is for! The specialist submarine has a mini camera and censor, and was innovated to put a stop to the catastrophic effects of ocean acidification in a simple, fast way.