Augmented Reality Games (Session 2) 2019

Augmented Reality Games

Saba Ghole

Player 1, are you ready to be in your own video game? Coming this summer at NuVu Studio you’ll be able to do just that. Using the power of Augmented Reality (AR) you will be able to design and play in your own Augmented Reality Game. Augmented Reality games like Pokémon Go are similar to Virtual Reality, but instead of placing you in a 100% virtual world, AR shows the real world mixed with virtual elements. You’ll use Unity3D, a popular cross-platform game engine for video game development and interactive media installations, to build augmented games populated by virtual challenges that place YOU in the heart of the action.

In this studio, you’ll learn how to program, create 3D models, and, above all, explore the design implications of AR, the newest form of media and entertainment. Send the main character (that’s you!) on an interactive virtual quest through a supermarket suddenly overgrown with virtual man-eating plants; design whimsical fantasy worlds that emerge inside your bedroom; create a sci-fi story based on a world similar to Mars but taking place right here on Earth! Alongside the game design, students will conceptualize a strong narrative for the game and flex their digital art skills creating the graphics. After coming up with an initial idea, students will conceive the rules and structure of the game (gameplay), and build these into their game environment. Finally, we will move to the production phase and bring all the elements together to launch your Augmented Reality game!


Focus Skills/Subjects/Technologies:

   Game Design


   Storyboarding & Storytelling

   Game Production & Editing

  Sound Design & Sound Effect Creation

   3d Modeling

   Adobe Photoshop



  • Enrolling students must be between the ages of 11 to 13 (or grades 6-8)