Theater / التمثيل المسرحي

Workshop Description

Rashad Ramadan and Michelle Ajami

Do you have passion or love for acting?
Are you interested in history or philosophy?
The workshop allows you to learn about philosophical, political and social concepts by playing the roles of one of Shakespeare's famous plays.

This workshop will involve the students over the course of two weeks covering Shakespeare’s “The Tempest.” The students themselves will create the production understanding the political, social and philosophical context of the play and conveying the meaning through reading and performance.

هل لديك شغف أو حب للتمثيل ؟
هل أنت مهتم بالتاريخ أو الفلسفة ؟
تتيح لك ورشة التمثيل التعرف على مفاهيم فلسفية و سياسية واجتماعية
من خلال لعب أدوار لاحدى مسرحيات شكسبير الشهيرة.