
Justin Calka


Today, we printed the pages that we made on photoshop (seen in image two), and began to trace.  Printing, for some unknown reason, took an absurdly long amount of time.  When we finally had everything printed, we used the light table/window to trace our comics.  After they were traced in pencil, we went over it in pen.  This made the whole piece look a lot better.  We were only able to finish two pages today, but we are going to do the rest tomorrow.  We are doing them tomorrow, so that we have plenty of time to do touchups on Thursday.  After they were “inked,” we scanned them back onto our computers.  We then used photoshop to put them in our original panels.  I spent a lot of time lining the text up because what we had thought would be good placement for the text was actually not.  I think we will be in good shape if we finish tracing tomorrow.  I also just caught a typo in the one of the speech bubbles.  Also, I think I have to move some speech bubbles around.